WINNERS FOR ROLES Corrado Adolfo 27 anni, Italia Leporello Dazzini Guido 27 anni, Italia Don Giovanni Gallifoco Gesua 25 anni, Italia Zerlina Gresia Martina 24 anni, Italia Donna Anna Verzier Elisa 28 anni, Italia Donna Anna WINNERS FOR EMERGING VOICES Kokareva Mariia 23 anni, Russia Voci Emergenti Mazzetto Benedetta 27 anni, Italia Voci Emergenti Ravizza...
Author: Claudia Cozzi
The finalist candidates of the 73rd AsLiCo Competition 2022
Please find below the list of the admitted candidates to the Final stage of the 73rd Edition of the AsLiCo Competition 2022. Result has been sent to all candidates via e-mail. Candidates admitted to the Final stage will receive the details of the call via e-mail. COMO – 5 FEBRUARY 2022 ADMITTED CANDIDATES –SECTION B...
Admitted candidates to the Semi-final stage
Please find below the list of the admitted candidates to the Semi-final stage of the 73rd Edition of the AsLiCo Competition 2022. Result has been sent to all candidates via e-mail. Candidates admitted to the Semi-final stage will receive the datails of the call via e-mail COMO – FEBRUARY 3 AND 4, 2022 ...
Notice – admitted candidates / Pre-selections Como and video recording
Please find below the list of the admitted candidates to the Elimination stage of the 73rd Edition of the AsLiCo Competition 2022. Result has been sent to all candidates via e-mail. Candidates admitted to the Elimination stage will receive the details of the call via e-mail on January 31th. COMO – 26 JANUARY 2022...
Notice – admitted candidates to the Elimination stage
Please find below the list of the admitted candidates to the Elimination stage of the 73rd Edition of the Aslico Competition 2022. Result has been sent to all candidates via e-mail. Candidates admitted to the Elimation stage will receive the datails of the call via e-mail on January 31th. COMO – 15 GENNAIO 2022 BENLODI...
Pre-selection stage of 73rd Competition
The schedule of the call of the Pre-selection stage of 73rd Edition of the AsLiCo Competition 2022 has been sent via e-mail. We kindly ask to all cadidates to check the mail box. For any information please send an e-mail to:
NOTICE for the candidates registered to the 73rd AsLiCo Competition
Dear Candidates, Due to the ongoing pandemic situation, AsLiCo has decided to allow the candidates properly registered to the 73rd AsLiCo Competition to choose to attend the Preselection audition in person or by sending a video recording pursuant to Art. 2 of the Competition announcement. Candidates who choose to attend the Preselection audition by sending...
2021 Acquaprofonda
La prima Opera civica di Opera domani. Con quest’opera lirica per bambini e ragazzi della scuola primaria e secondaria di I grado affrontiamo l’attualissimo tema dell’inquinamento delle acque.
2020 Rigoletto. I misteri del teatro
Giunge da lontano una compagnia teatrale sempre in viaggio da un teatro all’altro con bauli pieni di colorati costumi, attrezzi e cianfrusaglie. La “Compagnia del Duca”: così veniva chiamata. Mette in scena una storia meravigliosa, quella di Rigoletto: ognuno però sa che ogni sera, raccontandola, si sarebbe trovato a gioire e a soffrire, a giurare vendetta, a perdonare, e alla fine, di fronte a Signora Morte, a perire.
2019 L’elisir d’amore
Mentre i mietitori si riposano sotto gli alberi, la fittavola Adina legge ai presenti la storia di Tristano che, innamorato di Isotta e da lei respinto, riuscì a farsi riamare ricorrendo a un filtro amoroso. Nemorino, giovane e timido innamorato di Adina, sospira. La ragazza non dà retta alle sue attenzioni; è incostante e capricciosa e sembra preferire la corte del presuntuoso Belcore, sergente della guarnigione appena giunta al villaggio.
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